The following publications elaborate on the need for monetary reform and a new economics as the pathway to sustainable development.
Our Money: Towards a new monetary system (2015)
Book on the need for an overhaul of our monetary system, and how to go about it.
This 60 page book discusses our present monetary system, its drawbacks, and an alternative system that would eliminate those drawbacks. It explains how our present monetary system blocks the implementation of solutions to society’s major challenges, and it explains why this is the case: why do we have this system, and what keeps us from changing it.
Download Our Money here.
Crisis, Economics and the Emperor’s Clothes. Why economics fails to deal with society’s economic, environmental and social problems – and what to do about it. (2012)
This 300 page book offers a critique of mainstream economic science, describes the consequences of economics’ shortcomings for society, and offers suggestions on how to make economics and the economy function for society rather than the other way around.
Download Crisis, Economics and the Emperor’s Clothes here.
The Common Sense Manifesto. The Fourth Way: how a new economics can help create a prosperous, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable society (2012)
A short, 70 page version of Crisis, Economics and the Emperor’s Clothes, with a focus on how a new economics can contribute to the sustainable development of our economy and society.
Download The Common Sense Manifesto here.
Economics and the Emperor’s Clothes. Shortcomings of economics as a science, the consequences for society, and what to do about it (2018)
This is a short version of Crisis, Economics and the Emperor’s Clothes which focuses on the analysis of the shortcomings of economics as a science and the consequences for society, in particular our monetary system. It has been updated with a section on monetary reform as a precondition for sustainable development.
Still under elaboration: This book should become available in the course of 2018
The Primacy of Private. Private enterprise, public enterprise and markets: alternatives for private, profit-oriented production (2018)
An assessment of whether, as generally assumed, an economy based on private, profit-oriented enterprise serves society best, or whether there might be alternatives that combine the advantages of private enterprise with public responsibility.
Working on it: This book should become available in the course of 2018
Global Development: Problems, Solutions and Strategy. A proposal for socially just, ecologically sustainable growth (1998)
A book that analyzes the economic, social, environmental and political challenges facing society, offers solutions, and a strategy to implement those solutions.
Download Global Development: Problems, Solutions and Strategy here.